

谷歌小说网 www.ggxs.cc,苍山健男文集无错无删减全文免费阅读!

bsp;  苍山健男译:






    cheerless is the day, the light under frowning clouds is like a

    punished child with traces of tears on its pale cheeks, and the cry of

    the wind is like the cry of a wounded world。 but i know i am travelling

    to meet my friend。














    tonight there is a stir among the palm leaves, a swell in the sea

    full moon, like the heart throb of the world。 from what unknown sky hast

    thou carried in thy silence the aching secret of love?













    i dream of a star, an island of light, where i shall be born and in

    the depth of its quicing leisure my life will ripen its works like

    the rice-field in the autumn sun。












